Behavioral Health Technician - Scottsdale - ref. p5773315
information, please see:
**JOB DUTIES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES:**Direct care staff work on arotational schedule and may be required to work any day of the week to
meet the needs of the hospital and our patients. Document patient
treatment legibly, free of errors or omissions using only approved
abbreviations; documents all pertinent patient information pertaining to
behavioral changes, moods, conversations, group attendance, signs of
physical illness, and objective observation; learn to lead recreational
and therapeutic activities; develop skills to provide therapeutic
interactions; assist patients on admission by orienting to the unit, explain the Hospital policies, patient rights, and their individual
treatment plans; develop teaching skills in areas of Activities of Daily
Living (ADLs), social skills, coping skills; maintain safety and
security for patients and staff; respond to psychiatric/medical
emergencies with patients; report patient behavioral changes and all
abnormal findings to the psychiatric nurse; assist patients in
completing self-care activities; observe and interact with assigned
patients and groups, and assist in therapeutic activities. Other duties
as assigned.
**Knowledge of:**Basic mental health principals; techniques oftreatment; therapeutic interaction, practices, behavior management, and
motivation techniques; basic group process; patient rights; infection
control; safety policies/procedures; concepts of performance improvement
**Skills in:**Teaching activities of daily living; personal hygiene, social skills, communication skills; coping skills, and communityresources as part of discharge planning; providing para-professional
nursing care as directed; providing therapeutic interactions and group
**Abilities to:**Document patient care timely, objectively, and in aconcise fashion according to hospital policy/procedure; identify and
report patient behavioral changes and all abnormal physical findings to
the psychiatric nurse; respond to psychiatric and medical emergencies.
**SUPERVISION:**Does not provide supervision; reports to PsychiatricNurse Shift Supervisor (PNSS) or charge nurse.
**EQUIPMENT USED:**General office equipment, thermometers, bloodpressure equipment, fire extinguisher, crash cart oxygen tank, gerichairs, scales, wheelchairs, restraints.
**REQUISITE QUALIFICATIONS:**Candidates must have a minimum of one (1)years experience in working with the Seriously Mentally Ill (SMI) adult
population, preferably in an environment, or with a patient population, similar to that of the State Hospital. Examples include short or
long-term psychiatric inpatient or residential treatment settings, as
well as psychiatric urgent care or crisis stabilization facilities. Due
to their mental illness, patients in this level of care are considered
to be a Danger to Self (DTS), a Danger to Others (DTO), Persistently and
Acutely Disabled (PAD), or Gravely Disabled
The following professional experience does not apply toward meeting theminimum qualifications for placement consideration at the State Hospital
as a registry Behavioral Health Technician:
Working with Children or Adolescents
Providing Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Working with the Developmentally Disabled (DD) population
Hospice Care
Working as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Case Manager or ProgramManager.
**JOB TASKS:**The Behavioral Health Technician (BHT) shall beresponsible for performing the following services that include, but are
not limited to:
1/. Providing Twenty-four hours, seven days a week (24/7) specializedcare, treatment, and security to patients and residents to ensure a safe
and therapeutic environment.
2/. Observing, interacting and guiding patients and residents.
3/. Redirecting inappropriate behaviors and modeling appropriatebehaviors.
4/. Responding to incidents which may require physical intervention;
5/. Initiating and participating in behavior management emergencyprocedures when a patient or resident is violent, assaultive, suicidal, or has behavior difficulties.
6/. Co-Leading life skills and other therapeutic groups and activities;
7/. Transporting and supervising patients and residents during
visitations, medication administration, meal times (on and off unit), off unit activities and mall time, and reports on patient and residentbehavior to the treatment team.
8/. Assisting in the implementa