Underwriter - Pollution & Environmental Insurance
Leading global insurer seeks Senior Underwriter to lead the expansion of a portfolio specializing in Environmental risks.
Environmental Insurance Lines & Classes: Environmental General Liability Exposures; Premises Pollution; Premises Pollution Healthcare; Environmental Impairment Liability - EIL; Pollution Legal Liability - PLL; Contractors Environmental Liability, Professional Liability, Storage Tank and Transmission Liability; Chemical Risks; etc.
Environmental Insurance Facilities Covered: Manufacturing Plants, Warehouse and Distribution Sites, Research Facilities, Municipalities, Wastewater Treatment Systems, Farms and Agribusiness, Recycling Centers, Mainstreet Business, Treatment Storage Facilities; Entertainment Parks, Stadiums and Theaters; Large Scale Habitational Real Estate - Apartments, Hotels and Condominiums; Oil & Gas Transmission, Processing & Storage; etc.
Environmental Insurance Risks and Claim Trigger Events: Natural Disaster Triggered Pollution; Pesticide-Herbicide Overspray; Misapplication of Biosolids and Manure; Over the Road Spills of Chemicals and Fertilizers; Leaking Storage Tanks; Site Explosions; Pollutant Discharge into the Soil, Water, or Air; Midnight Dumping; Asbestos, Lead and Mold; etc.
*** Manage all aspects of portfolio such as underwriting analysis and preparation & issuing of quotes.
*** Track pipeline and create periodic production forecasts.
*** Design and implement business solicitation plans.
*** Maintain strong retail and broker relationships.
*** 5+ years of underwriting experience.
*** Track record in Environmental products.
*** Collaborative environment where engaged employees share their knowledge and suggestions.
*** Team is entrusted to use their own discretion and common sense.
*** Staff to management communication is promoted and encouraged.
*** Family atmosphere.
*** Promotes opportunities and incentives for employees to learn, develop and grow.
*** Culture of continuous improvement.
*** Employee efforts, achievements and performance are formally recognized and honored on a regular basis.
*** A fun and playful attitude is maintained throughout the organization.
Adrian Gostick and Scott Christopher, in their book The Levity Effect: Why It Pays To Lighten Up, suggest if people are having fun, they re going to work harder, stay longer, maintain their composure in a crisis, and take better care of the organization.We believe this is their kind of company.
For complete details contact Greg Foss at: (609) 584-9000 ext 270
Or submit resume online at:
Or email to:
Please reference #426191OH356 when responding. Diedre Moire Corporation
Diedre Moire Corporation, Inc.Diedremoire_dot_com
WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER and our employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, handicap, disability or marital status. We reasonably accommodate individuals with handicaps, disabilities and bona fide religious beliefs.Jobs Career Position Hiring. CONSIDERED EXPERIENCE INCLUDES: Insurance Underwriter Environmental Pollution Liabilities Specialty Program Excess Surplus Commercial Lines Program Underwriter #DiedreMoire #JobSearch #JobHunt #JobOpening #Hiring #Job #Jobs #Careers #Employment #jobposting #VPUnderwriting #InsuranceJobs #UnderwriterJobs
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