Public Data Collector
Deed Collector Kernersville
You can work as little or as much as you want, and you get to set your own hours of work between 8AM and 4:30PM, when most public records departments are open. This type of work can range from being part-time to occasional work. This means that depending on the county or counties you select and are assigned, you may work on them daily or you may only have to visit your court house twice a year.
The current starting rate is $0.35 per accurate record that is submitted and can increase to $0.43 or more. The average beginning researchers can collect between 35 and 45 records, which puts most of our beginning researchers in the pay range of $12.25 to $15.75 per hour (35 records x .35 = $12.25, 50 x .35 = $17.5, 100 x .35 = $35 per hour). This is an excellent opportunity to earn supplemental income.
Strong typing skills highly beneficial
Reliable transportation to and from the courthouse is needed
The current starting rate is $0.35 per accurate record that is submitted and can increase to $0.43 or more. The average beginning researchers can collect between 35 and 45 records, which puts most of our beginning researchers in the pay range of $12.25 to $15.75 per hour (35 records x .35 = $12.25, 50 x .35 = $17.5, 100 x .35 = $35 per hour). This is an excellent opportunity to earn supplemental income.
For a full list of states and counties we are hiring in please visit .
Requirements: No Experience is necessary for this position
ALL Training is provided at no cost to you, your only investment will be your time.Strong typing skills highly beneficial
Reliable transportation to and from the courthouse is needed
Windows laptop Computer is highly recommended
Please visit .
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Deed CollectorKernersville
You can work as little or as much as you want, and you get to set your own hours of work between 8AM and 4:30PM, when most public records departments are open. This type of work can range from being part-time to occasional work. This means that...